our taco story
“All my cooking and all my love for feeding people... it comes from her”
Renee's Grandma Rosa
Tacos de Nieve is owned and operated by Renee Snow. Renee is a wife to Matt and mom to two boys, Sebastian and Cruz. She is from Modesto, California, loves her family, friends, hair-bands and good food! She might just be Sebastian Bach's number one fan!
Tacos de Nieve was born in 2014 as a way for Renee to stay completely hands-on with her growing boys and serve others quality food and fun! Renee comes from a long line of strong women, her mother and grandmother's influence are a large part of who she is. Her inspiration came from the teachings of her Grandma Rosa. Without Grandma Rosa, Tacos de Nieve wouldn't exist. It's her love for her family, translated through traditional Mexican food, that inspired Renee! As a young girl, Renee spent time with her Grandma soaking in all the techniques and flavors needed to make quality food. It is the desire of Tacos de Nieve that everyone who books a taco party feels the love, fellowship, and fun from their experience.